
If you haven't got a facebook account yet, you should! It's really a neat thing, although I think I must be the oldest person on there.
iBlog now has 6 members just w/i the past 24 hours; 5 of which are officers. It's an Internet & Technology - Cyberculture type of group and the group's description is:
"If you LOVE to Blog, if you CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT your Blog, if you THRIVE on reading other people's Blogs, if you desire to uphold the integrity of the Internet through Blogging, if you’d carry your 8 lb. laptop though the airport just so you can Blog on your vacation… Well, shall we just say THIS GROUP'S FOR YOU! It’s Therapy for Bloggers…Bloggers Anonymous… Journaling through the real person's experiences of life. Join today and invite your friends to join also."
There is a section for resent news, photos, and a discussion board, a members sections and a wall to post things on. If you love to Blog this group is for you, and there's not another group on facebook like it that I can find.
Check it out!
What's your blog address once I get there?
You will need to created a facebook account, then do a search w/i facebook for the group iblog and join :~)
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