
Someday, I think I want to run in the back where the party is just so I can see all the goings on. I saw pictures, on the news, in the paper, and on other blogs of CRAZINESS! -- People dressed like cavemen and spiderman, a whole group of people from Fleet Street PAINTED like the American Flag. I'm sure there was much more craziness that I didn't see!
Oh, I forgot about this -- I saw Scott Rigsby, the double amputee that I ran with for a while during the marathon. I passed him at some point so I'm assuming he started out in front of me in time group 1 somewhere or maybe he was subseed.
I saw several people running with nice size American Flags on polls. That is so cool and I'd like to think I could do that some day but I'm not too sure I could. It looks tough! I saw the fireman in full gear and there were others too in full gear, army personnel and the like. That's so cool too!
I saw a lot of people wearing those flag shorts. I'd like a pair of those. I looked at them at the expo but they were just so poofy. I don't need poofy!
By now you've probably seen the shirt. It's nice, not the one I voted for but nice.
BTW, I read about some poor guy who had a heart attack on heartbreak hill [right outside of Piedmont Hospital] -- that's why I walk it... Anywho, they hauled him into the hospital and performed open heart surgery on him and he is in stable condition last I heard. Wonder if he got his tshirt? How ironic, having a heart attack on heartbreak hill. I LOVE a good irony!
Congratulations on completing the race!!! Such an accomplishment. I love the pictures and keeping up with your goals and successes!
Love to all.
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