
A day off. Slept in. Have been getting A LOT of EXTRA rest this week which has been very, very nice and couldn't hurt :~)
More Dirty Tricks by Jeff Galloway:

If logistics permit, you might consider changing shoes during the last six miles of the marathon. [I don't think I'll do this. I could, but I don't think I'll take the time. -- Again, I'll pretend ] Both pairs must be broken in, of course. Save your "inspirational" pair for the last part. Just putting them on sends a jolt of invigoration into your feet, up your legs, then through your body and into the right brain. At that point, all types of crazy and innovative things can happen.
Parting Words
I've put some thoughts into what will be my "Parting Words" to myself just before the horn blows and the runners are off (in the dark) at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. I've basically done a lot of training over the past 18 weeks leading up to this, watched quite carefully what I put into my body, invested heavily in time to read and research the best approach to a marathon, and so on. However, after much thought, I've decided that my parting words to myself will be something like this:
- No pressure
- Have fun
- Finish strong
Good luck saturday. I will be thinking about you. :)
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