Fairburn Frist 100 Campout
I had planned to get up about 5:45, run 3 miles, make the kid's lunches, shower and be ready to go about 8:00. My best friend [who is the nervous type -- always has us at the airport not less than 2 hours prior to any scheduled flight] said we should get up at 5:00 and leave at 6:00. So, that's what we did. We actually ended up leaving about 6:10 and arrived on site a little before 7:00-- Numbers 18 and 19.
We set up our tent as far away from the festivities as we could, hoping to get a little sleep during the night. Then, thanks to my best friend's brilliance, we did something we've never done before, we claimed a table up near the front of the store, a two-seater, handicap [how appropriate] table, plopped our stuff down and there we sat -- NICE umbrella and all. By the time the sun gets up in the sky 11:00 a.m. or so, these tables with umbrellas are PRIME REAL ESTATE!
There was a lot of laptop computing at this camp out, more than I've seen at any other. Our friend, Stephen, went across the street to a hotel to get the access code for their wireless and they gave it to him. I couldn't believe it! He shared it with someone and they shared it with someone, and so on... and before long everybody knew it.
Have you ever played Twister with the Cow?
The heat of the afternoon passed quickly. Before we knew it the sun was setting and it was cooling off nicely. There was pretty much a constant breeze all day so it never got unbearable.
After a buttered biscuit for breakfast, and CFA sandwich for lunch I really thought we'd get something different for dinner but it was CFA again. We've been to one camp out where they ordered pizza. Then about 10:00 p.m. it was nuggets and ice dream with all the toppings.
After that, they played the moving Facing the Giants which is a REALLY GOOD MOVIE! We had the opportunity to see it at the First 100 at the Truett's in Griffin but chose to hit the sack instead. After I heard how good it was I was disappointed. This time, we watched the movie!
There was a final "line check" [that is where they pretty much call roll to make sure everybody is still there and nobody has dropped out or left the premises] about 12:45 a.m.
THEN, we hit the sack and I slept pretty good for about 4 hours on the FULL SIZE air mattress, with my old army sleeping bag and a pair of ear plugs.
They woke us up around 4:30 a.m. and let us pack up our stuff and TAKE IT TO OUR CAR across the street. WooHoo! That's the first First 100 Camp out we've been to where they let you go to your car and take your stuff BEFORE they open at 6:00 a.m. and give you your free coupons. It makes good sense though, because at the others we've been scrambling to try to get our stuff out of the parking lot and to our car while the store opens up and people are pulling into the drive thru trying to order -- a REAL NIGHTMARE and potential deadly situation, especially accounting for all of the small children that are usually there -- A LOT yesterday and I can only imagine that next month in Smyrna [it begin summer and all] there will only be more!
All in all it was an EXCELLENT camp out and we'll do it again -- June 20, South Cobb Parkway, Smyrna. Mark your calendar -- we'll be there EARLY!
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