Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
BUYER BEWARE! of Hallmark
It is difficult to eat good recovery nutrition on Thanksgiving day and the bad eating habit spilled over into the weekend. + I have not stretched like I should. All of this has caught up with me -- thus the residual soreness from the 1/2 marathon. I'll try to do better...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Official Chip Time Atalnta 1/2 Marathon
my running partner 1:58:28 107 out of 363 in her age category
Thursday, November 23, 2006
GREAT 1/2 marathon!
In the past, I've always had trouble sleeping the night before races. The anticipation and fear that I will over sleep get the best of me and keep me awake most of the night it seems. So, I rolled the dice and took a chance yesterday and got up EXTRA early (about 4:30). I had a lot to do anyhow so I got a jump on that and I thought that maybe it would help me sleep better. IT WORKED! I slept GREAT last night except for a couple of times when I woke up coughing -- not much I could do about that. I will add this to my normal race routine.
My best friend took me and my running partner to the race and dropped us off and then picked us up at the finish line. That took a lot of the pressure off of me -- I hate to get lost downtown! I was like totally relaxed for the race and it was GREAT!
I used a Jeff Galloway chart that tells me what to wear according to the temp and wore more than I normally would. That worked well too.
There were so many people running this race (I haven't heard an official number) that it was 45 seconds after the start before we even got to move and 2 minutes and 45 seconds before we got to even slightly pick up the pace to a very light jog. We were dodging people the whole way. At one point a man in front of me dropped his hat and STOPPED to bend down to get it. I ALMOST played an unintentional game of LEAP FROG!
My "unofficial" time ended up being 2:08. I haven't seen the chip time yet. I would assume it would be a little less, maybe even by a couple of minutes or so. I was hoping for 2 hours but all in all am VERY PLEASED with 2:08. My running partner finished ahead of me by a few minutes but still a little over 2 hours.
I wondered after the race, "Could I do this twice? double?" Marathon... YES, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Remember the little train :~)
It was a GREAT RACE. Probably won't run it next year. My running partner will more than likely be in KC. MAYBE, just MAYBE I can talk my best friend into running it with me. It's really a pretty easy run, minus that "Heartbreak Hill".
Will take tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday off and run 5 on Monday.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Tomorrow is an off day. Hopefully the 6 on Monday will be much better, maybe I need to eat more -- we'll see. Then a couple of off days before the 1/2 marathon on Thanksgiving morning - early Thanksgiving morning :~0 The weather is supposed to be real nice for which I am very thankful. That's not usually the way it is here on Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Bonobo pulls alarm for attention -- again

For the second time in as many months, the ape triggered a fire alarm at the Great Ape Trust of Iowa research center.
The trouble started Wednesday morning, when Panbanisha wanted to go outside but the staff was too busy to let her out, trust officials said. Panbanisha then apparently lost her temper and pulled the alarm, officials said.
It's a trick Panbanisha initially learned in October when she saw a welder start the alarm. It took her less than a day to learn how to duplicate the excitement.
When the alarm sounded the next morning, "I went to check on Pan, and she was sitting there next to it with a smile on her face," lead scientist Sue Savage-Rumbaugh said last month.
Savage-Rumbaugh said she explained the danger of such mischief and Panbanisha promised not to do it again.
Panbanisha is one of seven bonobos at the Great Ape Trust. Bonobos are one of the most human-like of the great apes and have sophisticated language skills.
Trust officials said they will cover the alarms to prevent a third prank from Panbanisha.
(If she's so SMART, why doesn't she let herself out?)

First there was Road-rage now Web-rage, what's next?
Man jailed for 'Web-rage' attack
LONDON, England (Reuters) -- A British man said to have carried out the country's first "Web rage" attack was jailed for 2-1/2 years on Friday for assaulting a man with whom he had exchanged insults over the Internet.
Paul Gibbons, 47, from south London, admitted he had attacked John Jones in December 2005 after months of exchanging abuse with him via an Internet chat room dedicated to discussing Islam.
London's central criminal court heard that Gibbons had "taken exception" to Jones, 43, after Jones alleged that Gibbons had been "interfering with children."
After several more verbal and written exchanges, during which Jones threatened to track down Gibbons and give him a severe beating, Gibbons and a friend went to his victim's house in Essex, east of London, armed with a pickaxe and a machete.
Jones himself was armed with a knife but Gibbons seized it from him, held it to his throat and "scratched" him across the neck, the court was told.
Gibbons, who the court heard had previous convictions for "violent offenses," pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding on the first day of his trial last month.
Other charges of attempted murder and issuing online threats to kill four other chatroom users were not pursued but could be reactivated in future if he reoffends.
Media reports said it was Britain's first "web-rage" attack and Judge Richard Hawkins said the circumstances were "unusual."
"This case highlights the dangers of Internet chat rooms, particularly with regard to giving personal details that will allow other users to discover home addresses," said Detective Sergeant Jean-Marc Bazzoni of Essex Police.
Window Washer
- because we have these old single-pane windows and they sweat in the winter time (especially in the bathrooms),
- because we have this cat who loves to sit on the bathroom window ledge and look outside.
Maybe she'd be interested in doing the dishes.
BEWARE of Conair
As you know, the scale I ordered online (some time ago) was defective when it arrived. Not Weight Watchers fault -- this is a Conair product. After some communication (via email) with the Conair customer service department I sent the faulty scale back at a cost of $11.41 postage out of my own pocket. Most reputable companies would have sent out a UPS call tag or the like.
I emailed the company letting them know that I expected a full refund of the postage but they ignored my email. So this morning I sent a second email letting them know that a refund was in order since their product not working was no fault of mine. This was their reply: (well, at least they didn't ignore me this time.)
"Dear ..., Unfortunately we can not reimburse postage. It is the consumer's responsibility per our warranty. We did waive the extra $5 normally required for return shipping. I apologize for the inconvenience. Regards, ..."
"per our warranty" What kind of warranty is that!?! And wasn't it nice of them to "waive the extra $5" and so nice of them to "apologize". WHAT KIND OF CUSTOMER SERVICE IS THAT!?! imagine, a BIG company like Conair waiving the extra $5 from little ole me... Well, wasn't that SPECIAL!
I kindly wrote them back and let them know that the next time I am in the market for a product which Conair is among the product line I will remember their LACK of customer service.
I have a good mind to call Clark Howard!
per our warranty... WHAT A JOKE! Conair, YOU should be ASHAMED!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
BTW, I wrote that whole thing on relationships waiting on 1 page to load.
Blogger Friend on Relationships - for what it's worth...
I guess the most profound thing I have learned in the past 25 years (concerning relationships) is that I am more happy when my best friend is happy than I am when I get my own way. Whoa, that’s profound! So, what will it be? Want to be happy or want your own way – your choice to make. “Happy” or “my way”? Sometimes you think getting your own way will make you happy and in the beginning it might have. However, when you come to the point that the other person being happy makes you happier that you getting your own way, well, that’s love.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
ANOTHER Update on the Bathroom Scale
Saturday, November 11, 2006
The run out was absolutly beautiful! We got started right at sunrise (6:45) and the wind was to our backs. Made 1 stop at the Publix to do some business then on to the Starbucks for a quick turn around and headed back to the city. THEN, it was like being in a wind tunnel! I hadn't even noticed the wind to our backs but the wind to our fronts -- THAT was tough!!! It was a tough run back! The fog was rolling in, the view obscured. I had looked forward to the seeing the beautiful countryside but didn't get to see much. It was tough --but we made it, talking all the way :~)
I can remember when I first started running, I'd run a race and I'd be panting and panting and panting... and other people would be talking to each other and running along having a great old time and I would wonder how in the world they were able to talk and run (at the same time). Well, now I know. I can do it too! We talked the whole 14 miles.
Time: 2:30 I was hoping for 2:20 but wasn't really in the shape to make that happen. I am hoping for a 4 hour marathon in March. We will shoot for a 2 hour 1/2 marathon on Thanksgiving day -- that's a pretty lofty goal!
Tried out the Clif Shot gel for the first time (chocolate). It was pretty good. Didn't have any stomach problems at all this time but did struggle with leg cramps the last 1/3 or so.