Saturday, April 29, 2006
GREAT RACE! PB (Personal Best) time of 25:20 for a 5K. Working to get under 25. Maybe next month :~) Completed my 25-mile base for the week.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
GREAT 6-mile run. Felt good. Went by FAST. Will take tomorrow off for a rest before Saturday's race.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
GREAT 5-mile run. 3 at marathon pace and 4 & 5 at a 10-minute and 12-minute pace respectively. Will run 5 or 6 tomorrow - Thursday, rest on Friday, and run a 5K on Saturday, thus, completing my 25 mile base for the week. The prize for this race is a Key Lime Pie! Sarah asked if they throw it in your face at the finish line... he he he he...
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Good long 8-mile run (5+3). Varied speeds. Little to no soreness. Stretched well afterwards. 3 more miles to complete my base of 25 for the week.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
4+ mile run. 3 miles at marathon pace, 1+ at a 10-minute pace. Very sore. Will Liston to my body and take tomorrow off for rest and recovery. May do a long run on Friday.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Good 8-mile run over new terrain. Legs are tired and a bit sore. Building my base to a consistent 25+ miles per week from now until the first of August. Will being the first Saturday in August on a 17-week train for the Kiawah Island Marathon in December hoping to qualify for Boston next April. Must run a 3:50 to qualify for Boston. I think I can do it!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
6-mile+ run with the Fuel Belt which weighs in at 2 lb. fully loaded. Not a run like I had hoped for. Had planned a much longer one. Haven't slept well in 2 nights. Fatigued. Not eating well. Ate too close to the start of the run. Felt sluggish. Had a blueberry muffin and 2 Pop Tarts and 16.5 oz. of water prior to the run. Drank 7 oz. Gatorade High Endurance Orange and one Zone near the end of the run. Running with the Fuel Belt was no problem, although I did notice it shifted once one of the 4 bottles was emptied. Will have to go with the Gu packs from now on. The pocket on the Fuel Belt is only big enough for Gu packs not power bars. Plus, the Gu enters your system quicker I've heard. And, there's no chewing, which impedes breathing. Will probably do a long run on Monday a.m.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Will take a couple of days off for recovery and hopefully squeeze in a long run on Saturday. I'm a little sore and tight and very fatigued.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
SUPER! LLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG 8-mile run down through the city and out in to the scenic country side. Heard and smelt the cows. Ran on pavement, sidewalks, over railroad tracks, right through the heart of down town, on gravel, and through a subdivision and back again. Hills and flats. GREAT to run somewhere new! Ate a Cliff bar before leaving and 16+ oz. of water. Found some FREE furniture which we're about to go back and pick up. WHAT A RUN!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Another GREAT run. That's 2 in one day! 5-mile run on the road in the heat of the day so as it is in April :~) Conditioning for the Peachtree.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Finally got out about noon when the weather broke for a good 5-mile run. It was so beautiful with things blooming and the crispness of a rain drenched landscape and the clean air. GREAT RUN!
Friday, April 07, 2006
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Good 3-mile run. Some pain in the left butt and a little discomfort in the left knee. Ran 2 10-minute miles and 1 8.3-minute mile. Felt good. Ate first.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Took 2 days off for recovery. Great, strong but easy 3-mile 30-minute run today. 1 12-minute mile, 1 10-minute mile, and 1 8.3-minute mile. Felt good. Ate first. Still some residual fluid retention from the long run on Saturday. Up about 7 lbs. :~(
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Run Atlanta's NEW 5th Runway before it opens for business! After it opens, you won't get this chance again! Visit www.atlanta-airport.com/fifth to access the registration form for the 5K Run. It's just over 3 miles. Actually, I think this race is a little more than a 5K - it's reported to be 3.4 miles (a 5K is 3.1 miles - what's 2 10ths of a mile more anyway?) Come on -- YOU CAN DO IT! You've got over a month to train for it. Best of all -- IT'S FREE AND you get a FREE tee-shirt! Plus +++ There's a party to follow... The race will begin at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 20th. Another good thing -- It's FLAT!!! Join us! Pass this on and get some friends to do it with you. 

Saturday, April 01, 2006
GREAT 19-mile run. YES, I said 19 MILES. That's 1/2 way between a 1/2 marathon and a full marathon. I was really, really tight toward the end of the run. Would have probably made it 20 had I not been so tight -- especially my legs, and reasonably so... Stopped once for a porta-potty break and to stretch about mile 16. Took fluid every 30 minutes and nutrition and fluid every hour. Felt the salt on my arms after the run from the sweat -- feels like you've been at the beach. I'm pretty sore but OK as long as I don't sit for a long time and I keep stretched out. Took me 3 hours 11 minutes -- that's a pretty good pace. Could have made marathon distance in just about 4 hours. That's my goal. Was a little light headed near the end. Feels good!