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Wednesday, February 28, 2007


2 months down in '07, hard to believe. Less than 10 months of shopping days left 'til Christmas.

Good 4-mile recovery run (varying speeds) on the mill. Slept really, really good last night. Will sleep in tomorrow morning, then 4 miles late a.m. on the mill.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

My 3 Entries for the 2007 Peachtree Road Race Tshirt Contest

Life Lesson for Today

My scanner at work is a PIECE OF JUNK! I and a co-worker have been struggling with it for days and it really is a PIECE OF JUNK. That’s the bottom line. This one is several years old and it’s time for a new one.

In the mean time, I have this pic I need to scan for a mass mailing I’m putting together. The resolution needs to be very good so I’m going to have to take it across town to a friend who has a decent scanner at a print shop and have him scan it for me. But before I go I happen to think to ask the person that provided the pic, “Do you have that in a digital format?”

AHA! REVELATION! They do. And then they say, “I guess that would help you out wouldn’t it.” Oh no, I think – just save me loads of work, drive time, etc., etc., etc.

LESSON LEARNED: Always ask when handed a pic to scan, “Do you have that in a digital format?” Don’t assume that they know how much time it will save.

My Hero for Today

Today, my hero is Teresa Carter. There are probably a lot of Teresa Carters in the world, and you may even be one of them, but if you are the Teresa Carter I write of, you know who you are. I’ve admired her for a long time, especially since finding out that she survived a battle with leukemia some years ago. That happened before I knew her. She had small children then, now they are all grown. It must have been a very difficult time for them all.

Well, today she bailed me out when BIG Tom did not have his cap & gown ready for picture day at the school. That makes her my hero for today. Thank you Teresa!


Good 4-mile recovery run, varying speeds.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

A Rare Occasion

One night last week the whole gang got together for dinner. Just like old times :~)


GREAT 20-mile run around the Rock. The last long run before the marathon. We are now in official countdown -- 4 weeks and counting.

My time today: 3:26:25. Not too bad considering I stopped twice to stretch, once at mile 10 and again at mile 17. Ran the BIG hill twice w/o even thinking about it. Walked it the last two times.

This week will be an easy one. :~) Will take tomorrow and Monday off and run just 4 each day Tuesday - Friday with 10 on Saturday.

GREAT tip from my running partner about the gloves -- Thanks!

Friday, February 23, 2007


A friend of mine is cleaning out her office at work this week. She works at a school and this week is Winter Break so it was a good time to have the carpet in her office replace -- a much needed job! Anyhow, one of the things she carted out before the carpet technicians came was an EMERGENCY EVACUATION KIT. A HUGE black box filled with all sorts of emergency stuff in case of a school evacuation -- which fortunately has never had to be used.

Anyway, it got me to thinking. I need to have an EMERGENCY EVACUATION KIT at home!

I think I'm going to go home today and put one together. I plan to include things like a swim suit, flip flops, a couple of good books, some bottled water, etc., etc., etc.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


7 miles on the mill. Will take tomorrow off (a rest day) and run 20 (4 laps around the Rock) on Saturday.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


OK, I admit it, I have been very, very LAZY this week. A total lack of energy! Maybe it's a female moment kind of thing, maybe I've just shot my momentum after taking last week off. I don't know.
I didn't get out of bed on Monday or Tuesday when I should have, when I planned to. I slept in. Didn't run on Monday at all. Redeemed myself, somewhat, yesterday with a late afternoon run through the city with my running partner. Slept in today as well, but did get in 7 miles on the mill. Will do 7 miles on the mill again tomorrow (after sleeping in -- of course), take Friday off (sleep in -- it's Winter Break...), and run 20 (4 laps around the Rock) on Saturday. This will be our last long run before the marathon. The countdown is on... No, we will not get in that 25-miler that I had hoped for, but I think it will be OK. All the times we have done 20 in the past I've always felt like I could easily do 6 more and I expect there will be an extra amount of adrenalin on the day of the marathon. So, it shouldn't be a problem.

Participated today in a psych survey just for ING GA Marathon participants for GA State U. They probably will evaluate it and conclude that I am not Psychiatrically fit to run a marathon. HA HA HA HA... Anyway, that was interesting.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Good 10-mile run around the Rock (2 laps). Had planned to do 3 laps but during the 2nd my running partner and I decided we would do another 20 next Saturday. So, since I'd taken a week off (only 4 days technically), and since I plan on doing 20 next Saturday, I thought it best to just do 10 today. I would rather error on the side of caution at this point than to push it and create an injury that would prevent me from running the marathon.

I don't think taking 4 days off from running hurt me or put me at any disadvantage this week. If anything, I still think it was probably a good idea -- erring on the side of caution again. I think all in all I have been very realistic with my goal setting in the preparations for this marathon. I think I've been cautious, but not too cautions. I'm very pleased with my progress. HEY, I remember when I couldn't even run a whole 5K!!!

This week I will run 5 miles each day Monday - Thursday. Friday will be an off day and Saturday, another 20-miler :~)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I officially declare tomorrow "Chocolate Wednesday"

I've been thinking a lot about all the people in the world who are not "in love." I feel sorry for them, for the ones who have never experienced love and especially for the ones who have experienced love and lost it.

For them, tomorrow must be an awful day with all the hype and the onslaught of media advertising surrounding the day. For them I officially declare tomorrow to be "Chocolate Wednesday."

No one can gripe about that one. Chocolate Wednesday is for everyone! The ones in love and the ones not in love. You don't have to be in love to enjoy Chocolate Wednesday. At least you don't have to be in love with someone, just in love with chocolate. And who isn't in love with chocolate?


Monday, February 12, 2007


In an unprecedented move, I am taking the week off :~O

I've been struggling with this heel thing for a little over a week now and on Saturday I sort of twisted my knee funny and it keeps like popping out and it's really painful when that happens. So, with 6 weeks to go before the marathon I decided on yesterday that the best thing to do would be to take a week off and rest and ice and rest and ice and rest and stretch and ice... I think that's a better choice than to possibly run injured for the next 6 weeks without giving my body proper time to heal and maybe even making things worse.

I still plan to run 3 laps around the Rock on Saturday but that will be an easy fun run. I'm not going to push it for time or anything. Until then, I'm just going to chill... Which is not too difficult to do in this weather. ha ha ha...

Saturday, February 10, 2007


GREAT 7-mile, late a.m., run through the (cold) city, 54:37. Pretty good time including a port-a-potty stop. YES, I said a port-a-potty stop... That's another post all together.

Anyway, with that kind of run, I should be able to complete the Silver Comet Trail 10K on 3/10 in under 50 minutes to be seeded in time group 1 for the Peachtree. No time group 1A and 1B this year, just all time group 1. Remember the whole mat thing last July 4? Subseed starts at 42 minutes and under. I'll NEVER be able to do that. I'll just be real happy with time group 1!

Friday, February 09, 2007


Good 5-mile run. Did some hill work w/walk breaks.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


8 miles on the 8th. My longest run of the week. A recovery week that seems to just keep dragging on and on... Tough, boring run on the mill w/walk breaks. Just really didn't have the energy level I needed to complete a good run, even though I slept really good last night. Can't wait to get out on the road w/my running partner this weekend!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Good 5-mile run, varying speeds.

I was thinking that last weekend's 20-mile run was great at 3:17:05. After all, I shaved 16 minutes off my previous time for a 20-mile run. However, in checking my pace band for a 4-hour marathon I realized that 3:17:05 is not all that great. A time of 3:03:04 for 20 miles would do. That's another 15 minutes I need to loose. IMPOSSIBLE I'm thinking.

The next long run on the 17th, 15 miles, needs to be in a time of 2:17:18. I've been thinking 2:30 was good but that's not going to be good enough for Boston!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


5 miles, easy run/walk.

Having some heel pain, especially when I first get up in the a.m. or if I've been sitting for a long time, self-diagnosed as Plantar Fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis

When your first few steps out of bed in the morning cause severe pain in the heel of your foot [my pain is not "severe" yet], you may have plantar fasciitis (fashee-EYE-tiss). It's an overuse injury affecting the sole or flexor surface (plantar) of the foot. A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis means you have inflamed the tough, fibrous band of tissue (fascia) connecting your heel bone to the base of your toes.

You're more likely to get the condition if you're a woman, if you're overweight [don't think that's me], or if you have a job that requires a lot of walking or standing on hard surfaces [not me either]. You're also at risk if you walk or run for exercise [ME], especially if you have tight calf muscles that limit how far you can flex your ankles. People with very flat feet or very high arches are also more prone to plantar fasciitis [I think mine are flat].

The condition starts gradually with mild pain at the heel bone often referred to as a stone bruise. You're more likely to feel it after (not during) exercise [true]. The pain classically occurs again after arising from a midday lunch break.

If you don't treat plantar fasciitis, it may become a chronic condition. You may not be able to keep up your level of activity and you may also develop symptoms of foot, knee, hip and back problems because of the way plantar fasciitis changes the way you walk.


Rest is the first treatment for plantar fasciitis. Try to keep weight off your foot until the inflammation goes away. You can also apply ice to the sore area for 20 minutes three or four times a day to relieve your symptoms. Often a doctor will prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. A program of home exercises to stretch your Achilles tendon and plantar fascia are the mainstay of treating the condition and lessening the chance of recurrence.

In one exercise, you lean forward against a wall with one knee straight and heel on the ground. Your other knee is bent. Your heel cord and foot arch stretch as you lean. Hold for 10 seconds, relax and straighten up. Repeat 20 times for each sore heel.

In the second exercise, you lean forward onto a countertop, spreading your feet apart with one foot in front of the other. Flex your knees and squat down, keeping your heels on the ground as long as possible. Your heel cords and foot arches will stretch as the heels come up in the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds, relax and straighten up. Repeat 20 times.

About 90 percent of people with plantar fasciitis improve significantly after two months of initial treatment [TWO MONTHS! WoW!]. You may be advised to use shoes with shock-absorbing soles or fitted with a standard orthotic device like a rubber heel pad. Your foot may be taped into a specific position.

If your plantar fasciitis continues after a few months of conservative treatment, your doctor may inject your heel with steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (corticosteroid) [not MY heels! He'd have to catch me first.]. If you still have symptoms, you may need to wear a walking cast for 2-3 weeks or positional splint when you sleep. In a few cases, you might need surgery to release your ligament.

I just included this bit of information in case any one reading should ever encounter the same condition. There is a lot about it on the Internet -- there's a lot about EVERYTHING on the Internet for that matter... One site suggested using a rolling pin to massage the bottoms of your feet and heels. Several others suggested golf balls. Many suggest icing. Then I found one BRILLIANT suggestion that seems to be working out well for me -- sort of the rolling pin/icing combo. It suggested using frozen water bottles to both ice and massage the bottoms of your feet at the same time. I LIKE IT! Multi-tasking.

NICE! From Friedman's

Saturday, February 03, 2007


SUPER cold 20-mile run. Best time ever though at 3:17:05! Last 20-mile run was 3:33. My "ideal" goal would be 3:15, so I'm getting close.

I wasn't prepared for how cold it was. Guess I haven't been paying close enough attention to the weather reports. I was prepared for 30 something but not 20 something :~[=] that's my teeth chattering... Not that I would have worn anything different. Well, maybe an extra pair of gloves.

At 20 something you have to watch out for ice which was a new experience.

Will take tomorrow and Monday off and be back at it on Tuesday.

This week will be an easy one with 5 miles on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 8 on Thursday, and 7 next Saturday.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Thursday, February 01, 2007


WeLcOmE FeBrUaRy!

4-mile FAST flat run.

Will take tomorrow off and run 20 on Saturday - 4 laps around the Rock.

Carb loading already...