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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


10 miles [2 laps around the Rock] late evening run. WoW! There are A LOT of bikers out there in the evening! And, I found it SO hard NOT to say, "Good morning" to everyone I ran past. I'm used to doing that on our morning runs. Actually, you know, it starts out "Good morning" but before the run it over you're just saying, "morning". I'm not sure what happens to the "Good" part :)

Tomorrow, early, early, early a.m. we are off to Greenville, SC for our first "out of State" CFA First 100. Hopefully, their WIFI will be up and running or we will be able to jump on some nearby free WIFI and I'll be Blogging to you from there.

Until then...

Monday, July 30, 2007


5 easy miles on the mill.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


A 3-mile walk last night with my running partner and a GREAT, fast 5-mile run through the city this early a.m.

It may work out that we are able to get both 10-mile runs in this week at the Rock. If it does, Monday, Friday, and Saturday will be 5-mile runs, Tuesday and Thursday will be 10-mile runs with Wednesday being a rest day in between.

I love this new Sports Authority/Nike+ ad I just saw on the back of a Running Times magazine! It's the picture of a runner's calf and superimposed on it are these words:
"This calf is a hard drive, packed with gigs of running memory. It started out
as a puny chip and grew into a big bad CPU. Bulging with data. Lining up for
the first 5K. Breaking the 10-mile mark and not bonking. Training all summer
for a marathon only to get hurt before the race. But still finishing anyway.
All those runs. Stored right inside this ultimate processor."

An entry from a blog I was reading today:
“If I had to select one marathon that I really like it would be the Marine Corps
Marathon,” he said. “The Marines are involved and there is a lot of support
around the course; you’re running on Constitutional Avenue, you’re running by
all the monuments and along the Potomac River. It’s a very nice run.”

~ Marv Bradley Runonearth.com

Friday, July 27, 2007


I feel surprisingly well after yesterday's 15-mile run. Very little residually soreness at all. I made sure to stretch yesterday, several times + the Endurox R4, and I've been eating well [a lot of anti-oxidants], and I took my Aleve last night and this a.m.

Tonight I will go for a walk with my running partner, and tomorrow, in the a.m., we will go for a 5-mile run through the city -- one of my favorite places to run :) Can't wait!

Our next LONG RUN will not be until Saturday, August 18. This one WILL be long -- a 20-miler. No fears though, after yesterday's super fantastic run I feel confident that a 20-miler or a 26.2-miler or whatever is very doable. Looking forward to it!

The next 2 weeks will both consist of 3 5-mile and 2 10-mile runs.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


GREAT 15-mile run!!!

We got out an hour earlier than usual and that really helped with the heat. The weather was really nice. I was concerned with the BIG storms that moved through the area last night that it might still be raining this morning but it wasn't.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


5 fast miles on the mill. GREAT run considering what a bad nights sleep I got.

I really, really blew it yesterday afternoon/evening. I came home from work late, frustrated, and starving -- that's NEVER a good combination! First there was the bowl of cereal [yes it was Kashi so that wasn't too bad], then there were the 3 Pizza Hut bread sticks left over from Saturday night -- SO not worth it. Dinner was just a BLT w/o mayo on white wheat [home grown tomatoes], an OK dinner I guess. Here's where it gets really, really ugly... After dinner: 4 Nutter Butter cookies, 6 Oreo, and then another bowl of Kashi. It's a wonder I wasn't sick!

I don't know WHY I did that. None of it satisfied. I should have gotten up out of that office chair a couple of times and taken a break, maybe gone and gotten some Starbucks or something so I wouldn't be so starving and frustrated all at the same time.

Today I will respond differently. I'm going to take a break in the afternoon, get up out of my seat, stretch, have a snack, go walk some or something.

Today I WILL BE GOOD, tonight I will sleep, tomorrow I won't be beating myself up :)

Monday, July 23, 2007


Good 5-mile run on the mill.

Will do another 5 tomorrow. Wednesday will be an off day with 15 (3 laps around the Rock) on Thursday -- our first really long run of this training session. Friday will be an off day and then I (or we -- depends) will run 5 on Saturday. That will round out another 30-mile week.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


5 fast miles on the mill.

This Could Be Your Boss...
A young executive was leaving the office at 6 p.m. when he found the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand. "Listen," said the CEO, "this is a very sensitive and important document, and my secretary has left. Can you make this thing work?"

"Certainly," said the young executive. He turned the machine on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.

"Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO as his paper disappeared inside the machine. "I just need one copy."

Lesson learned: Never, never assume that your BOSS knows everything.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Stiff this morning but I stretched out real good. Will need to do that again this afternoon. After my 10-mile run yesterday a.m. and then all of the "running around" I did ALL over town (WHEW!), then... I walked 3 miles w/my bff last night down through the city. It was a nice brisk walk, and not to to hot, although, I was sweating like a pig when we go back. Don't know that we will walk tonight... Tomorrow will be another 5 on the mill.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Awesome 10-mile run! Felt really light on my feet and strong, no pain whatsoever... AWESOME!

Will take tomorrow off and run 5 on Saturday. Next week we have our first 15-mile run of this training session -- 3 laps around the Rock. I feel up to it and ready. Hope my running partner is as well :)

I think I am going to drop the banana and Clif Energy Bar I have traditionally eat prior to long runs and races. As of late they seem to be upsetting my stomach. The morning of the Peachtree and today I ate a bagel and that seemed to work well. I think also I am going to get back on the SPIKE before long runs -- a little extra energy never hurts. I may also replace the Clif Builder's Bar I have traditionally eaten after long runs and races with the Endurox XL. During our last marathon training session I used both the Clif Builder's Bars and the Endurox XL after long runs but that was during the winter. During the summer months the bars are pretty mushy at best and sometimes melted when I get back to the car, and, I probably don't really need both anyhow. I've read a lot of good things about the Endurox XL and how it speeds recovery, so I'll stick with that.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Today ended up being a rest day. Everything feels fine. Tomorrow I will run 10 on the mill with a rest day on Friday, and then another 5 on Saturday to round off a 30-mile week.

A few years ago [about 3] I created a website that to this day is still my most favorite of all the sites I have created. But nobody really liked it :( To me however, it was the most cutting-edge, coolest site... The Internet is SO full of color and most sites are SO complicated that I thought I would do something radically different -- a totally colorless, simple, easy to navigate site. So, I did it -- a site that was totally gray scale. I loved it, but I think I was about the only one.

Anyway... when the beginning of this year rolled around it was time to re-do that site and I started out building a Flash site. I really liked it too (it was BEAUTIFUL!) but the more I looked at the trends of the web I decided that the Flash technology just never really caught on like people thought it would and really the trend out there today is the Blog look. So, back to the drawing board -- a Blog, news-style site was in order.

I spent weeks putting this new site together, long, long hours, lots of editing and Photoshop work. The site debuted last month and to rave reviews! People LOVE it, and the more they love it the sadder I feel about the cutting-edge gray scale site. Maybe it was ahead of its time?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


5 miles on the mill.

Only 3 weeks into yet another marathon training schedule and I'm already experiencing discomfort in my knee and the possibility of a shin splint is looming :[ I put on my friend the knee brace this a.m. after my run just for compression sake -- will wear it today and see if it helps. I also took Aleve. Tomorrow will be a rest day and my long run for the week will be 10 miles on Thursday.

As in the past, I suspect this all stems from my Plantar Fasciitis. The question is whether to see a podiatrist or not? I probably should before it gets worse but I'm so afraid of the consequences -- maybe he'll say to skip this marathon, maybe there will be week s of therapy? But I am also afraid of the consequences of letting it go as is. What to do, what to do?

Monday, July 16, 2007


5 miles on the mill early a.m.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Whoa! After a week of watching what I eat I've dropped 5 lbs. That sounds nice but it's actually a little too much to drop in one week. At this rate though I should be back in race trim well before the marathon :)

This will be a 30-mile week with 5 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, a rest day on Friday, and then 10 on Saturday. However, this is subject to change. I possibly may do my long run on Thursday with a rest day on Wednesday. We'll see what the work schedule will allow. My running partner is out of town this week so the 10-miler will be on the mill.

Next week we have our first 15-mile run of the MCM training scheduled. I'm looking forward to that and hope it goes much better than the 10-miler we did at the Rock last week :[

BTW, whether or not I get to actually run the MCM, the training will do me good. I will be in GREAT shape for the 1/2 on Thanksgiving Day.

Friday, July 13, 2007


FRIDAY the 13th, na na na na na na na na BOO!

Got'ya didn't I :)

5 mile run through the city in the HOT mid-afternoon. WHEW! was it ever HOT! Sweatted like a PIG. I know that's not very "Southern Lady" like, but it's the truth!

Well, that wraps it up for the week. Unless I get a BONUS run in tomorrow, but the schedule in pretty tight so it's unlikely -- we'll see...

Will probably take 2 day off to rest, stretch real good, and ice the bottoms of my feet. They are actually doing pretty well considering I have run on the pavement 2 days in a row, one a 10-mile run and one a 5-mile run. I'm still thinking about seeing a podiatrist -- possibly.


I was online searching for something totally unrelated [a graphic] this a.m. and came across this – funny how these things happen…

The site I found it on is: http://www.digitalscrapbookplace.com/university/tutorials/wordart01.shtml

I was totally blown away at how remarkably similar it was to the textural art I created for my running partner’s wedding program last summer.


Thursday, July 12, 2007


2 laps around the Rock [10 miles], pitiful run! I am SO out of shape! The first 5 miles wasn't too bad, only 1 minute off my best time, but the second 5 was so so pitiful, pathetic is more like it. I just like had NO energy AT ALL. Pitiful! I need to run outside more often and condition my body to the heat. I think that may have been part of the problem, a small part. The BIG part is that I have just gotten so out of shape since the marathon. I am so disappointed with myself. gerrr...

I'll do better, I know I will. I have to!

Tomorrow I may get out for a late [hot] afternoon 5-mile run through the city with my running partner. We'll see. If not, I'll be running 5 on the mill on Saturday. Either way, that tops off another week of 25. Not good but sufficient for now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


5 miles on the mill early a.m.

Tomorrow will be an off day with 2 laps around the Rock [10 miles] on Thursday. Friday as well will be an off day with 5 miles on the mill on Saturday.

Monday, July 09, 2007


5 fast miles on the mill early a.m. :O that's me yawning!

Saturday, July 07, 2007


6 miles on the mill; didn't seem to take that long. The speeds I am used to running are beginning to feel awfully slow. Kicked up the last 1/4 mile like heading to a finish line.

Finished up week 1 of marathon training. Can't wait 'til my running partner and I get to do some long runs around the Rock! I feel good after my first 25 mile week in a long time. I've been such a bum since the marathon in March. Time to get back to work... I'm a little stiff and will need to stretch real good this weekend several times.

Sunday will be an off day as usually with 5 miles on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and 10 next Saturday.

Whew! NICE! Feels good.

OK, so plans have changed ALREADY! It will be 5 on Monday and Tuesday, an off day on Wednesday, 2 laps around the Rock on Thursday, an off day on Friday, and 5 on Saturday :)

Friday, July 06, 2007


Little shots of me crossing the finish line at the Peachtree Road Race. Good thing they are little, because up close, it wasn't too pretty!

Someday, I think I want to run in the back where the party is just so I can see all the goings on. I saw pictures, on the news, in the paper, and on other blogs of CRAZINESS! -- People dressed like cavemen and spiderman, a whole group of people from Fleet Street PAINTED like the American Flag. I'm sure there was much more craziness that I didn't see!

Oh, I forgot about this -- I saw Scott Rigsby, the double amputee that I ran with for a while during the marathon. I passed him at some point so I'm assuming he started out in front of me in time group 1 somewhere or maybe he was subseed.

I saw several people running with nice size American Flags on polls. That is so cool and I'd like to think I could do that some day but I'm not too sure I could. It looks tough! I saw the fireman in full gear and there were others too in full gear, army personnel and the like. That's so cool too!

I saw a lot of people wearing those flag shorts. I'd like a pair of those. I looked at them at the expo but they were just so poofy. I don't need poofy!

By now you've probably seen the shirt. It's nice, not the one I voted for but nice.

BTW, I read about some poor guy who had a heart attack on heartbreak hill [right outside of Piedmont Hospital] -- that's why I walk it... Anywho, they hauled him into the hospital and performed open heart surgery on him and he is in stable condition last I heard. Wonder if he got his tshirt? How ironic, having a heart attack on heartbreak hill. I LOVE a good irony!

Thursday, July 05, 2007


4 miles on the mill this a.m.

It's funny, when my bff first brought that treadmill home I despised it! Then, as I got into running and all I like it because it was there for me on days when I couldn't get out on the road. Then... as I got really into running [like training for the marathon last winter and all] and I was doing more running outside, I got to where I despised the treadmill [again] because I SO enjoyed running on the open road as opposed to the mill. Now that I haven't been able to get out and run very much over the past 3 months or so I'm back to liking the treadmill :] for the time being...

There are no plans in the works for a race in August. On Labor Day we will do the GRULING U.S. 10K on Cobb Parkway and it was pretty expensive so we decided against a race in August for that reason. We will do some long runs around the Rock though. Actually our first long run on our Marie Corps Marathon training schedule will be this month, Saturday the 21st -- 15 miles around the Rock. I will be doing a 10 mile run this Saturday and next, those could be considered long by some standards, but those will more than likely be on the mill. Then in August we will do a 20 mile run on the 18th. We have a 15 mile run scheduled the Saturday before the Labor Day race on Monday, that probably wasn't good planning on my part, but I guess it will work with 2 days rest -- it should be OK.

In October we will do the Peachtree Classic. Probably my favorite race of the whole year. It's on the golf cart trails in Peachtree City and in October it can be quite cool and the leaves are usually beautiful that time of year. We will do the 15K [9.3 miles].

The Marine Corps Marathon is 1 week after that.

In November we will do the 1/2 marathon on Thanksgiving Day. That's always nice -- gives you the go ahead to eat all the turkey and dressing you want :)

There is not much on the calendar as far as races go for December, at least not yet...

There are a couple of ATC freebies in the fall as well. I think they are both runs around the Rock, one a 10 miler and one a 15 miler. They are what they call low-key, no tshirt events. I like that! Doesn't cost you anything except the gas to get there and you get to run with an organized group - nice!

There is also the ATC Resolution Run on Jan. 1 but I haven't heard where that will be yet. I don't think it is always in the same place each year. AND, a nice ATC run in Peachtree City each January - usually VERY cold but nice.

That pretty much raps up my running goals for the next 6 months.

DHL just delivered my new running shoes - SWEET!

BONUS RUN: 4 more mile trying out my NEW running shoes!!!

I made the paper! I was #4991 to cross the finish line in the Peachtree Road Race!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


The Peachtree was awesome! The weather was PERFECT! -- cool with a nice breeze. I ran in a pack of people the whole time, it never thinned out. My time was good for a Peachtree 58:38 is what my Garmin said -- I haven't got my "official" chip time yet. My time was ESPECIALLY good considering I stopped twice for water, twice for teeshirts, and I walked heartbreak hill :o

I LOVE THIS RACE! The GREAT American Race...

Official Chip Time:
419 PATSY P. BURNETTE 45 HAMPTON GA 1:00:30 58:50
I was # 419 in the Women's Masters Division

Monday, July 02, 2007


5 miles on the mill, good fast run. Marine Corps Marathon training has officially begun...